Monday, April 17, 2006

April 26th & Upcoming Gathering--May 24th

Next Wednesday April 26th is our next cohort gathering. At Bare Bones Grill at 7pm come to gather and discuss with others who are seeking to live in the way of Jesus. Bring you own ideas, thoughts, and questions about Emergent. In addition, we will discuss the book The World is Flat by Thomas Friedman and its implications for ministry and theology today. Having read the book is recommended, but certainly not required. Look for a description here. Our next gathering will be at Bare Bones Grill on: May 24th See you soon.


Dean said...

Anne, I'm by no means an "official" voice of the Baltimore Cohort, but am definately not clergy or seminarian, neither is my wife, but we both very much enjoy the meetings, even if we feel we have to come home and look up stuff in a dictionary so we know what we were talking about. I'm thinking we'll be there this week with our month old baby.

Baltimore Emergent Cohort said...

Dean is right on. (By the way, Congrats to Dean and Amy on the birth of their new baby!) Everyone is welcome. When you arrive at Bare Bones, go through the bar to the back of the restuarant by the bathrooms. There is a door on the left across from the bathrooms which opens into a room where the cohort gathers. Hope to see you on Wednesday.

Silk-screened Skintight said...

Greetings from Berlin, Germany!I am from the DC area; however, my wife and I live and work aboard. We are on staff with a German emerging church that meets and runs out of a café in the heart of the city. I just came across this blog from emergent-US and could not help but be excited. I would love to be part of the conversation.