Monday, July 14, 2008

Cohort--Wed. night 8pm then 8/14 (Thursday)

On Wed. night (7/16), the cohort will gather at 8pm at Kiss Cafe (2400 Boston St. 21224) to discuss The New Christians: Dispatches from the Emergent Frontier by Tony Jones. I have read the first few chapters so far and find it to be interesting, useful, informative, and helpful.. I think that it will form the basis for a good discussion whether you have read the book or not. To learn more about it or to read some selections, you can visit Tony's blog: Next month we will read Doug Pagitt's new book, A Christianity Worth Believing: Hope filled, Open Armed, Alive and Well Faith and will gather to discuss it on Thursday August 14th at 8pm at Kiss Cafe in Canton. You can learn more about the book here. If you want to see these guys (authors) in person they will be in DC on Thursday night July 31st for the Church Basement Roadshow--along with Mark Scandrrette who wrote Soul Graffitti. It should be a fun night--more info. is available here. Hope you summer is going well and I hope to see you soon, Tim