Thursday, January 26, 2006

Watching the State of the Union???

A number of churches are hosting opportunities for people to gather to watch the President's State of the Union address on Tuesday (1/31). They are being called "The State of Our Values" and are being coordinated by Sojourners. For more info. on an event in your area or to host an event, visit One church in the Baltimore-area that is hosting a Watch is Kittamaqundi Community Church in Columbia (5410 Leaf Treader Way). The pastor there is Heather Kirk-Davidoff who has been active in Emergent. Check it out! (and see you on Monday, of course, for our discussion with Brian McLaren)


NSP_MD said...

Also hosting a State of Our Values Watch is Columbia United Christian Church (CUCC) at the Oakland Mills Interfaith Center (the Meeting House), 5885 Robert Oliver Place, Columbia Md 21045.

I have been to this Baltimore Emergent Cohort, and am an enthusiast about Brian McLaren's work and I will be at The Meeting House in Oakland Mills. So join friendly discussion at either Columbia location (or other locations in Baltimore and DC) - See

Ruth Alice

NSP_MD said...

P.S. I attended the Politics and Spirituality conference in DC Jan 14 to 16, 2006 with Jim Wallis, Richard Rohr and Anne Lamont. This conference led up to The State of Our Values Watches.

I took extensive notes at this conference and will be willing to share them with anyone who is interested. See me Monday at the Emergent meeting or Tues. night from 8 pm on at the State of Our Values at The Meeting House in Oakland Mills, 5885 Robert Oliver Place, Columbia

Peace, Ruth Alice

NSP_MD said...

A friend of Heather's wrote a great blog article about the State of the Union discussion at Kittamaqundi Community and I posted a comment on our event at CUCC.

Dylan's Blog on State of Our Values in Columbia MD

Ruth Alice