Saturday, September 09, 2006

Tony Jones on Tuesday September 19th!!!

We've had a change in plans and Tony Jones -- the National Coordinator for Emergent Village -- will be with us for our cohort gathering on Tuesday September 19th, 7-9pm at Bare Bones Grill in Ellicott City. Here's Tony's bio from the Emergent Village website: As the national coordinator of Emergent Village, Tony connects people within the network, helps to organize events and initiatives, and is responsible for things like maintaining this website. Tony is in the process of getting a Ph.D. in practical theology at Princeton Theological Seminary. Previously, he was the Minister to Youth & Young Adults at the Colonial Church of Edina in Minnesota, the church where he grew up. Educated at Dartmouth College and Fuller Seminary, Tony is the author of Postmodern Youth Ministry (YS/Zondervan, 2001), Soul Shaper (YS/Zondervan, 2003), Read, Think, Pray, Live (NavPress, 2003) Pray (NavPress, 2003), The Sacred Way (Zondervan, 2005), and the editor of several books. Tony serves on several boards, and he is a regular columnist in The Journal of Student Ministries. Tony lives in Minnesota with his wife, Julie, and their three young children. He also blogs at Theoblogy. So come and ask Tony everything you have ever wanted to know about Emergent should be a great time!!! See you then, Tim P.S. -- If anyone can give Tony a ride to downtown DC (or to Dulles airport) after the cohort on Tuesday 9/19. Please email me. UPDATE: We found Tony a ride. Thanks, Ben.